Rimzig's Journal
Friday, March 8, 2002

As we were preparing for the Western Wastes dragon raid, Lodizal was reported to
be up so we paid him a visit in Iceclad
The Lodizal battle took 82 seconds
I inflicted 2,209 damage to Lodizal in 73 slashes/kicks and received 440 damage
I had 73 hits and 41 misses for 64% hit rate and 26.94 damage per second
Western Wastes Dragon Raid

Linbrak (level 53 fire and dispell dragon)

Linbrak puts on the heat
Linbrak battle took 38 seconds
I inflicted 687 damage to
Linbrak in 19 slashes/kicks and received no damage
I had 19 hits and 23 misses for 45% hit rate and 18.08 damage per second

Mazi (level 53 fire and dispell dragon)

Titans put on the heat
The Mazi battle took 35 seconds
I inflicted 1,281 damage to Mazi in 33 slashes/kicks and received no damage
I had 33 hits and 23 misses for 62% hit rate and 36.60 damage per second

Bratavar (level 54 cold and dispell dragon) again

Bratavar puts on the chill

Pantrilla (level 54 cold and dispell dragon)

Hechaeva (level 53 cold and dispell dragon)


Battle of magic with Bratavar

Yeldema (53 dragon)

Yeldema wants a Titans snack

Yeldema needs her teeth cleaned
Western Wastes Dragon Raid
I will host a Western Wastes dragon raid this Friday if enough guildies can
attend. The raid will be limited to eighteen guildies level 53+ on a first post
basis (required classes get preference).
Be at Siren's Grotto at 8:30pm EST for Succor! Bring your resist gear! Bring
your instant cast item!
WW Dragon Raid Participants
1. Rimzig (54 Ranger)
2. Trysbrina (60 Shadowknight) main assist
3. Haylo (58 Cleric)
4. Annastacy (57 Cleric)
5. Kamilla (57 Enchanter)
6. Sephrin (58 Enchanter)
7. Shaymus (60 Shaman)
8. Inari (60 Druid)
9. Everfast (57 Monk)
10. Soulcage (54 Necromancer)
11. Phife (53 Wizard)
12. Shizzel (53 Rogue)
13. Existenz (55 Necromancer)
14. Chewee (59 Monk)
15. Vadraa (59 Necromancer)
16. Moonrea (51 Cleric)
17. Neular (58 Necromancer
18. Quindlin (53 Wizard)
Western Wastes Dragon
Know your territory. Review the Western Wastes Dragon Guide which contains a
map. Our dragon hunting camp will be at
loc +4100, +3400
on the shore. We will invis up and run to the hunting camp. If invis drops, get
a loc and die.
Know your enemy. Below is a pic of your enemy. Hopefully our pulls won’t be
that bad. Review the Western Wastes Dragon Guide which contains descriptions of
the dragons. Cold resists and fire-based damage spells are needed for the
cold-based dragons. Fire resists and cold-based damage spells are needed for the
fire-based dragons. Magic resists and needed for the magic based dragons.
Levitation is needed for gravity flux dragons. Instant click items are needed
for the dispelling dragons. I do not have an instant click item myself, so I use
Spikecoat self-only 2 second casting damage shield and AC that works nicely, and
because it is self-only I do not need to target myself.
Know the loot. Review the Western Wastes Dragon Guide which contains tables of
dragon drops.
Dragon Talisman
Dragon Talisman’s necklaces come in three flavors depending on the level of
the dragon. Everyone that does not have a talisman will get to roll. If everyone
gets a talisman, then we will roll on talisman upgrades.
+4 Talisman = AC5 STR4 DEX4 AGI4 STA4 CHA4 INT4 WIS4 HP10 Mana10 saveAll4 wt0.5
+5 Talisman = AC6 STR5 DEX5 AGI5 STA5 CHA5 INT5 WIS5 HP20 Mana20 saveAll5 wt0.5
+6 Talisman = AC7 STR6 DEX6 AGI6 STA6 CHA6 INT6 WIS6 HP30 Mana30 saveAll6 wt0.5
Dragon Armor
Review the Western Wastes Dragon Guide which contains a table of dragon armor.
Dragon armor will be awarded to those that need the most. Any unclaimed armor
will be provided to the guild.
Spells will be awarded to those that need the most. Any unclaimed spells will be
provided to the guild.
Dragon Heads
Great and Greater Dragon heads are Lore and No Drop and are used for various
Kael quests. Dragon heads will be awarded to those that have proper factions and
need the most.
Greater Dragon Head can be given to Dlammaz Stormslayer (ally Tormax faction required)
in Kael for Frostbringer (1HS dmg12 dly22 AC7 effect Frostbite 60DD and 15AC
debuff Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD).
Greater Dragon Head can also be given to Kyenka (Kromzek faction required) in Kael for
Barbed Dragonscale Pauldrons (shoulder AC9 STR5 STA10 AGI9 svPoison15 wt2.5
Great Dragon Head can also be given to Kyenka (Kromzek faction required) in Kael
for Barbed Dragonscale Boots (AC19 STA9 HP30 wt2.5 Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD
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